01924 264217

AIP Air Compressors - energy management

Energy management from AIP CompressorsAs the cost of energy continues to rise significantly year on year it is more important than ever for businesses to be as energy efficient as possible.

At AIP we’re committed to minimising environmental impact and reducing the high energy costs associated with compressed air systems. This is why we offer a complete range of high efficiency products to help you reduce energy consumption, from the latest zero air loss drains and condensate management products, through to complex multi-unit control systems. We also stock the latest 'Eliminizer' units - an energy efficient and cost-effective alternative to air drying and filtration.

In addition we use the latest data logging technology so we can establish a true indication of air compressor system air usage and costs.

By monitoring individual air compressor performance, operating patterns, power consumption and, where required, pressure, it is possible to obtain a detailed and accurate picture of a factory’s air demand profile. In turn, this allows the right choices to be made in the selection of the most energy efficient air compressor products and solutions available.

Whether you require a simple heat energy recovery/exchange system, or the latest inverter driven variable speed drive compressors, we are here to help you make the right choices which will not only reduce your carbon footprint, but also dramatically reduce your electricity costs.

For more information please get in touch.